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Past Worship Services

I've Been Meaning To Ask

Some of the best conversations start with good questions—questions we’ve been meaning to ask, questions that keep us curious, and questions that lead us deeper into courage and connection. Over five weeks, we will gather around five guiding questions: Where are you from? Where does it hurt? What do you need? What joy do you bring? Where do we go from here? As you can see, these questions aren’t surface-level; they invite us to tell our stories, share our pain, care for one another, and dream about a beautiful future together.

Conversations that Change the World

This Lenten season, Saint John’s will examine individual conversations people had with Jesus and how we can listen to what Christ says to us today. Join us on a 1st century and 21st century journey of change, challenge, and comfort – for these are the conversations that change the world.

Illuminating Resilience

This Epiphany season, we focus on how the church can be resilient and bless a world that needs resilience. Through the Adaptive Muscles, as discerned by Texas Methodist Foundation, we will shine a light on ways we can discern purpose, grieve well, expand imagination, walk alongside our neighbors, and distribute power. Be encouraged by the intentional, spiritual, and fun groups leading in worship this season.

Messages from Angels

There is a continuous presence each Advent as we read about Jesus’ birth in Luke and Matthew: the presence of God’s messengers called Angels. Through encounters with Zechariah, Joseph, Mary, and the shepherds, we hear the angels share the blessed story of Emmanuel, God with Us.

Join us for all your favorite Advent and Christmas traditions. This year, we listen closely for Messages from Angels.

Together for Joy

In October, we focus on stories of God rejoicing in creation and relationship. Our annual reminder of financial giving and generosity will be a call to gather our resources together to share that joy.

Unpacking Our Words

Christianity has a long history and a vast vernacular. What are the origins of our faith's words? In August and September, we will talk about the vocabulary that makes us scratch our heads (or shake our heads!). Join us as we turn to scripture and the Spirit's leading to see where we can newly find God's hope in old phrases.

Freeing Jesus

When people join Saint John’s in membership, we ask them questions of faith and service. For the faith question, we ask about their faith in Jesus as savior, brother, Lord, and friend – for Christ moves in our midst and in our lives in a variety of ways. Starting Sunday morning June 19th, we will begin a worship series on Diana Butler Bass’ book Freeing Jesus, which discusses who Jesus is in scripture, history, and our lives. You can join Hilary and Shelley in an online book study on Freeing Jesus Mondays July 11th - August 1st if you want to dig deeper. There will be a daytime and an evening class, and you can register at stjohnsaustin.org/announcements

New Life, New Faith

May is busy in the life of the 21st century church! We celebrate Mother’s Day, graduates, confirmands, and remember military service members who have died. Life was busy in the 1st century church as well. As a shaping and forming community, the Spirit led them into who they would be in a brave new world meeting God’s love revealed in Jesus the Christ. Journey with us through today’s milestones as we learn from the Acts of the Apostles. Sundays, May 1st - June 5th.

Return to God

During Lent, we return to God through the stories of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, deepening our connection with God’s unconditional love we call grace. Join us in worship as we meditate on Jesus’ lessons that guide our Return to God.

Stories of Surprise

During the season after Epiphany, we encounter story after story of God’s surprises. Join us this January and February in worship as we focus on miracles and surprises and wonders in scripture, and we also give thanks for how God surprises us each day.