Saint John's Pedalers: Texas Mamma Jamma Ride
Saint John's Pedalers - The Saint John's Pedalers are an active group of cyclists who raise funds for various causes. The team is always eager to expand their numbers.
At Saint John's, our community is committed to living our Mission Statement where ". . . God's people change the world" through our contributions and service. Listed below are upcoming mission opportunities. For up-to-date information, key contacts and website links are included. Announcements during church services, the church's weekly newsletter, the Wall of Opportunity in the church gallery, and the Saint John's website are also good sources for current information.
Feel free to contact Randy Knighten, Director of Outreach Ministries, by email or by phone at (512) 452-5737.
Hope Food Pantry is one of many partnerships in the Austin area that serves our community. Watch the video to learn more about their mission.
Donations can be dropped off next to the elevator in the main church building.
Saint John's Pedalers - The Saint John's Pedalers are an active group of cyclists who raise funds for various causes. The team is always eager to expand their numbers.
Saint John's members will participate in the biennial Austin UMC Habitat Build constructing a home to be purchased by a deserving, needy family. Both skilled and unskilled volunteers will be needed. For more information, visit...
Not sure where to serve?
Hands on Housing- Interfaith Action of Central Texas Hands on Housing initiative utilizes volunteers and skilled professionals to repair the homes of senior citizens and disabled individuals who are living in deep poverty. Their goal is to keep...
Meals on Wheels and More volunteers deliver hot, nutritious meals to the elderly, disabled, and homebound in the Greater Austin area. Saint John's houses a daily pick up site for our neighborhood at 5906 Wynona, and volunteer drivers are always...
West Austin Drive a Senior provides transportation and other support services for senior citizens from our neighborhood who are no longer able to drive. Saint John's is a sponsoring organization. For more information visit
Saint John's has established a partnership with the McCallum High PTSA's MACares initiative to offer crisis intervention grants aimed at preventing homelessness with McCallum students and families.
The Saint John's Mental Health Team was established to raise awareness of mental illness, to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness and to provide support for individuals and families who are impacted by the challenge of mental illness.
Join the Mental Health Team and the Saint John's Steppers for this fun annual event to raise funds for NAMI. More information to come about this year's walk! Learn more about NAMI at