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Policies and Request Forms

When you have successfully completed a form, you will be redirected to a new page thanking you for your submission.

Please scroll to the bottom of the page or click the link below to see our campus policies.


Click here for Saint John's Health Policies

Prayer Request

If you have a prayer request, please fill out this form:
Request Prayer

IF YOU ARE HOSPITALIZED OR PLANNING SURGERY PLEASE CALL THE CONGREGATIONAL CARE OFFICE AT (512) 452-5737 TO CONFIRM DETAILS AND ARRANGE A VISIT. Our prayer teams receive the requests with first names only and pray for each request for at least a week.

If you have a confidential prayer concern, please call or e-mail our Director of Connections, Rebecca Witte at (512)735-6214 or rebecca@stjohnsaustin.org.
If you have any questions about prayer requests, please contact Rebecca Witte.



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This Person is:*

if confidential, please leave this form and call your pastor with your request

Would you like someone from congregational care to call you regarding this request?*

ALL PRAYER REQUESTS ARE SUBMITTED TO THE PRAYER TEAM FOR PRAYER, using first names or initials. Requests for health & healing as well as praise concerning births, adoptions, and marriages may appear in the Prayer Concerns section of the printed newsletter both online and mailed out. IN ORDER FOR A REQUEST TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSLETTER AND/OR ONLINE, IT MUST BE MADE BY THE PERSON NAMED IN THE REQUEST, THEIR SPOUSE, OR THEIR PARENT/GUARDIAN IF THEY ARE A MINOR/CHILD. Please confirm below that you have this authority and you would like this prayer request published in the newsletter and/or online.

Please select one

Host an Event, Meeting, or Class

If you would like to host a class, meeting or an event on Saint John's campus or with Saint John's congregation, please let us know. You can fill out a room request, get your event on the calendar, create a mySaintJohn's event registration, apply for a fundraising permit (if needed), and submit a communication's request.

Class, Meeting, or Event Creation

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Request Type (Required)*

Please select all that apply.

Click the dropdown menu arrows to see the options.

Date of first meeting if a reoccurring meeting

If yes, please list that time here.

Fundraising must be approved by the Finance Committee (Required)*

If your fundrasing has not been approved, contact Sherry Kleinert at sherry@stjohnsaustin.org.

Is this event reoccurring?

Is this a private class/meeting/event?

Zoom or Hybrid?

If this class/meeting/event is online, please provide the Zoom or web link below.

Primary Meeting Room

Please note that rooms are not guaranteed until the event is confirmed by the church office.

(if necessary)

Please provide any special setup requirements and/or instructions.For instance, number of chairs, number of tables, placement of chairs, placement of tables, etc. Also, indicate whether the event requires audio and/or video. For example, microphone/amp with speaker, projector, projection screen, tv, etc.

If you are not creating an event in mySaintJohn's and do not want a check-in or RSVP, ignore this section.

Registration Event

Please contact Director of Faith Development, Shelley Walters, by emailing shelley@stjohnsaustin.org

Childcare needed?

Due Mondays at 5:00 pm for inclusion in that coming week's publications.

If this is a private event and you do not want to publish a newsletter article or social media post, ignore this section.

If yes, please specify

Event announcements are typically run for three weeks, and articles are run for one week.

Where to publish

Our newsletter is published every Thursday. Social Media posts can be scheduled for any weekday. Website announcements will be published on Tuesdays.

No more than 100 words

Newsletter Article Request

Articles must be submitted by Monday, 5:00 pm for inclusion in that coming week's publications. If you wish to advertise for an event and/or reserve a room, consider filling out the "Class, meeting, or Event Creation Form" instead.
Article Submission Request Form

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Remember to include: who, what, when, where, how, and why

Newsletters are published on Thursdays. Articles generally run for 3 weeks.

Work Order Request

If you have a work order request for the building or one of the additional properties, please fill out this form.
Work Order Request

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Please be as detailed as possible.

Level of urgency*