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Saint John's Congregational Care and Prayers

Rejoice always, pray constantly, and give thanks for everything –
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1st Thessalonians 5:16 The Inclusive Bible 

Saint John's is a praying congregation. We want to pray for you. Scroll down to request prayer. Please contact Director of Connections ), (512) 452-5737ext. 246 to learn about our prayer team.

Request a prayer below

Request Prayer

IF YOU ARE HOSPITALIZED OR PLANNING SURGERY PLEASE CALL THE CONGREGATIONAL CARE OFFICE AT (512) 452-5737 TO CONFIRM DETAILS AND ARRANGE A VISIT. Our prayer teams receive the requests with first names only and pray for each request for at least a week.

If you have a confidential prayer concern, please call or e-mail our Director of Connections, Rebecca Witte at (512)735-6214 or rebecca@stjohnsaustin.org.
If you have any questions about prayer requests, please contact Rebecca Witte.



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This Person is:*

if confidential, please leave this form and call your pastor with your request

Would you like someone from congregational care to call you regarding this request?*

ALL PRAYER REQUESTS ARE SUBMITTED TO THE PRAYER TEAM FOR PRAYER, using first names or initials. Requests for health & healing as well as praise concerning births, adoptions, and marriages may appear in the Prayer Concerns section of the printed newsletter both online and mailed out. IN ORDER FOR A REQUEST TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSLETTER AND/OR ONLINE, IT MUST BE MADE BY THE PERSON NAMED IN THE REQUEST, THEIR SPOUSE, OR THEIR PARENT/GUARDIAN IF THEY ARE A MINOR/CHILD. Please confirm below that you have this authority and you would like this prayer request published in the newsletter and/or online.

Please select one

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March 23