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What is Possible Because of You

What is Possible Because of You

by Shelley Walters on October 08, 2024

What is Possible Because of You

"Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received."

~ 1 Peter 4:10


What is Possible Because of You


A while ago I served on the board of an organization that had the most beautiful ideas, intentions, and goals. We spent several meetings together visioning possibilities, filling pages of notes with ideas. We took time to truly open ourselves to dreaming new dreams. We spent hours identifying steps to grow into an amazing future.

And then nothing happened.

The intentions were there; the values and mission were strong. But for the growth and change to come to fruition, we needed people to give their hours, skills, and resources, and they were just not there. Have you ever experienced this? 

At Saint John’s, we began this school year by reflecting on our community’s values of openness, inclusion, connection, mission, and justice, and we explored how those values guide us. But how do we make these values a lived reality?

This is what we will dive into in our next series “Because of YOU Our Church Changes Lives.” We will move from reflecting on the “what” to delve into the “how.” 

The simple answer to the question of “how” is “you.” In community together, every “you” gives from the gifts that God has given each of us, including our time, our talent, and our treasure. Through years of serving here at Saint John’s, I have witnessed new hope inspired, lives transformed, and lived embodiment of our values - all because of you.

As we begin to plan for the coming year, I wonder: what great things could God do in and through this community because of you?



Begin Our Stewardship Season in Prayer

Generosity is rooted in love. That’s what this is all about—sharing the love of God we feel and making sure it flows through us into the places the world needs it most. From the beginning when God created us in God’s likeness God has trusted us with God’s most precious things—people and earth, messages of peace and hope—and God depends on us for their flourishing. That’s what gratitude and generosity are all about—this wonderful dance between God’s blessing and God’s dependence on us to bless others and to bless the earth. We give thanks for these things and for each other who make this mission and ministry possible simply because we do not do it alone, but together in beloved community. 

Listen for a word from God as you ask these questions:
What have I received as a gift from God? 
How have my gifts helped grow God's love, hope, joy, and peace? 
How might God be inviting me to partner in the dance "between God’s blessing and God’s dependence on us to bless others and to bless the earth?"

Let us join our hearts and minds in the spirit of prayer:  

Creator God, for blessing us with many gifts, we thank you.
For walking with us in our fear, we praise you.
Take our gifts and with your love, help us to make our world whole.

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