by Daniel Heath on April 30, 2024
Activity of This Living God
February 04, 2025
"I want a house with a crowded table.
And a place by the fire for everyone.
Let us take on the world while we're young and able.
And bring us back together when the day is done."
~ "Crowded Table" written by Brandi Carlile,
Lori McKenna, and Natalie Nicole Hemby
When I first walk into Saint John’s, I am struck by the immediate feel. Yes, it’s welcoming, inviting, comfortable—a place that gathers many in: Sunday services, church activities, or hosting those in our community who need an inclusive place to meet.
What may not be obvious is what’s “under the hood.” For those of us who have served on various church committees for the last several years, we’ve known that our heating and air conditioning (HVAC) system has been living on borrowed time. It may not be obvious to everyone because so much is done behind the scenes to ensure the spaces are conditioned when we come together on Sunday. But our HVAC need is immediate and will not improve in its current state. And after the severe weather that we have recently experienced—both hot and cold—we know the time is now.
Based on the results of a recent thorough feasibility study, our capital campaign Echoing God’s Call: The Next 75 Years of Saint John’s will address our need to refurbish the HVAC system—using what we can from the current system and replacing what is needed so that it will run efficiently. And while we’re doing this infrastructure work, we’re maximizing this time to address expanding two second-floor classrooms and making office improvements.
At Saint John’s, we’re encouraged to ask questions to get answers. What I really appreciate is how forthcoming we are about our information. As construction begins, we can expect that there will be changes in the schedule. There always are. Regular updates will be provided so we can adjust accordingly.
We’re doing the work inside of Saint John’s so we can lengthen the table and then go out into the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I invite you to join Jennifer and me as we contribute to Echoing God’s Call to ensure the work of Saint John’s continues.
Be well,
Daniel Heath, Capital Campaign Leadership Team
God of all, God of love, God of hope, we thank you. We are so grateful at Saint John's that you are leading us to prepare your table for all. You have given us loving, visionary leaders to participate in our General Conference as our denomination strives to lengthen the table and shout the welcome message. You have also blessed us with motivated, knowledgeable congregants who can show us how to fix our facilities to prepare a comfortable place to welcome those who are looking for a place to join in worship for years to come. Thank you, dear Lord. Open our hearts as we answer the question; God, how am I asked to give to Saint John's for the next generation?
~All capital campaign prayers for reflection this season are from Saint John's member, Ann Barlow.
February 04, 2025
January 28, 2025
January 21, 2025