by Cina Crisara on February 27, 2024
An Invitation to Cultivate and to Let Go
March 04, 2025
Space for Reflection, Connection with Faith
Lent is a time for contemplation and taking stock of what we are doing within our spiritual lives, as well as our day-to-day existence. Surely, taking a glance inside our hearts and minds is good for us, and this Friday night, the Stepping Stone service will provide an opportunity to do just that. Through music, dance, and breathing deeply, you'll be invited into the broad spectrum of ways to engage in this special service.
Stepping Stone is an annual, mid-Lent service created and hosted by Saint John's Passionate Worship Committee, this year under the chairmanship of Don Anderson. The great challenge of putting on this service is to design something that is unique from year to year. Fortunately, even after 15 years, there are new angles to be discovered; the committee has never done a strict repeat of a former service. What does remain constant is the intent of this service: to give attendees the opportunity to sit quietly, read and be read to, sing and be sung to, with plenty of room for remembering Jesus through prayer and a welcoming Communion table for all.
This is a promise we hope to fulfill by offering the spoken word and songs that are in turn inspiring, uplifting, or solemn enough to encourage deep listening and response. We do this in the name of remembering and acknowledging Jesus, his arduous journey leading to the cross, and our salvation. So many in our community have found inspiration in Stepping Stone over the years. As one attendee said, "Stepping Stone gives me a space for intentional reflection and connection with my faith. The slowing down, the focus on prayer, the music, and the movement all contribute to creating a sacred atmosphere that allows me to truly center myself and connect with the divine."
One of my favorite parts of putting together the Stepping Stone service is working with a smaller group of singers. They really connect and are highly supportive of each other, which only enhances the feeling of taking a journey together. The dancers work closely together to create beautiful shapes which energize the music and make you feel as if you could be dancing right alongside them. This year's personnel include: Rev. Dr. Annette Jones, who will lead the service; Rev. Lynn Barton, who will lead us in a breathing prayer; dancer/choreographer Lisa Nicks Crabtree and dancers, Lisa Alverson and Sandra Organ Solis; Mary Len Stanton on flute; Travis Rand, Marvin Morgenroth, and Cindy Mills on chime and bells; Mark Akens on piano; and the Saint John's Singers, happy to be back singing together after a long, COVID disruption.
You should come to the Stepping Stone service. It is one hour of your time in which you might discover that Lent itself is an invitation for us to slow down a bit and to really think about what we are doing, and what is important. You can and will experience so many spiritual moments in that hour. Jesus loves you, this you know. And just think about what he did to prove it to us. When I think of Jesus as a human being, I am overwhelmed by his unbounded goodness, and at this time of year, become acutely aware of the suffering and sacrifices that he endured for us.
I will be pleased to see you in the sanctuary on Friday night for this powerful reminder that we all are so loved by God, and by Jesus.
Cina Crisara
Saint John’s Director of Music
March 04, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 18, 2025