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Justice in Action

Justice in Action

by Rev. Randy Knighten on July 16, 2024

Justice in Action

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

~ Micah 6:8

Justice in Action
by Rev. Randy Knighten

Many scholars agree that the prophet Micah was a farmer. As such, at that time in history, he represented the voices of oppressed small farmers that lived on the edge of the city, a segment of society marginalized by the power that was concentrated in the urban center of Jerusalem. In our Biblical witness, Micah is called by God to speak truth to power on behalf of those under constant oppression.

Speaking truth to power has been the driving force of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) for over 50 years. CDF grew out of the Civil Rights Movement under the leadership of Marian Wright Edelman. The first Black woman admitted to the Mississippi Bar, Mrs. Edelman worked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as counsel for his Poor People’s Campaign, and dedicated her early career to defending the civil liberties of people struggling to overcome poverty and discrimination. In 1969, Mrs. Edelman began the Washington Research Project, a public interest law firm that monitored federal programs for low-income families and, out of that initiative, she founded Children’s Defense Fund in 1973.

The CDF Freedom Schools are out-of-school-time programs that provide culturally-responsive enrichment through a research-based and multicultural model, reaching children and youth in 30 states and more than 100 American cities.  Service is a key part of the CDF Freedom Schools experience and, every year sites across the country participate in coordinated National Days of Social Action.

This year’s National Day of Social Action is focused on ensuring every child gets a healthy start in life and access to affordable, seamless, and comprehensive health and mental health coverage. On the Day of Social Action, children and youth participate in a mini march on the Capitol grounds along with letter-writing and legislative visits. They also tour the Capitol and end with a "Read-In" in the Rotunda. They will get firsthand experience in participating in what it means to do acts of justice.
What does God expect of us? The text of Micah is very clear: Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.  This condensed understanding of faith shows us a God who delights in solidarity. Acts of justice and solidarity are necessary aspects of our discipleship as followers of Christ. Micah encourages us to remember that if justice is important to God, it should also be important to us.


Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools National Day of Social Action
Wednesday, July 17

Saint John's Risk-Taking Mission and Service Committee (RTMS) has partnered with the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) to support them in this year's National Day of Social Action event on Wednesday, July 17, at the Texas State Capitol. The theme, “Protect the Freedom to Read,” focuses on school book bans and censorship.

Saint John's support will help to provide conference-room space rental for Harambee (the trademark high-energy opening assembly) and social-action oriented activities, scholar and staff tours of the Capitol, a Capitol-rotunda read-in featuring speeches and special guests, and lunch for all scholars and staff.

CDF thanks Saint John's for its support and invites us to attend all of the events. Appearances from legislators and others will make this a great opportunity to connect with lawmakers and cheer on the scholars as they raise their voices! Contact Randy at   for more information. 

Tags: social justice, micah 6:8, children's defense fund

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