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Inspiring Hope: United Women in Faith

Inspiring Hope: United Women in Faith

by Cathy Barton on January 23, 2024

Inspiring Hope: United Women in Faith

Inspiring Hope: United Women in Faith
by Cathy Barton

Lynn and I go to Rockport in the winter to see the return of the whooping cranes to be reminded of hope. Birds who travel thousands of miles to cross the North American continent come to the Gulf of Mexico to feed on blue crab and raise their young before returning to Canada in the spring, two by two. As we were parked in front of the ranch where the cranes normally winter, Lynn mentioned that he had never seen a whooping crane flying. Less than a minute later, EIGHT whooping cranes sounded off and flew in from the north. As we watched, speechless, they dropped out of the sky, two by two, in answer to our prayer.

God is just like that. Gracious. Immediate. Miraculous.

I am humbled to be installed this year as the President of United Women in Faith (UWF) at Saint John’s UMC and to be surrounded by such a gifted and wonderful team of women. Our leaders are intentionally involved in working with women and children here and around the world for a more just earth, a healthier earth, and a more connected earth. Recently, UWF Vice-President Julie Peckham and I met for two hours to begin setting unit meetings that will address climate change, issues of immigration, prison reform with emphasis on EWOP (women’s education at the local Lockhart women’s prison), Texas Impact, and UMCOR disaster response. We currently sponsor several young women in Africa with their ongoing education as they aspire to be leaders in their families and their home countries. Our reach is unlimited.

As we celebrate the women who have gone before us at Saint John's for 75 years this Sunday, January 28, I look forward to getting to know many of you better. UWF has three active circles, Hannah, Miriam, and Anna, where you can find terrific fellowship and support. While so many churches are struggling to keep women moving in positive ways, I know that Saint John's, as a five-star church, can really set the pace for the future of women empowerment here in Austin.

May God bless us as we swoop out of the sky, calling to each other, to begin a new year of fellowship and mission together.

Lots of love,

Catherine Barton
President, Saint John's United Women in Faith

Tags: social justice, united women in faith, uwf, whooping cranes

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