by Jennifer Heath on November 05, 2024
An Invitation to Cultivate and to Let Go
March 04, 2025
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
~ Matthew 6:20-21
God’s People, Changing the World
What a journey we’ve been on! On October 13, we began our stewardship campaign Because of YOU Our Church Changes Lives. Throughout the series we examined the many ways that our church responds to God's invitation for us to grow and challenge ourselves. I am awestruck by the breadth of mission work and ministries that happen within these church walls and beyond. You demonstrate a strong commitment to grow God’s love.
Just in the last quarter we filled 75 backpacks for Austin Independent School District students. Several took a mission trip to La Posada Providencia in San Benito, Texas. Nearly 600 pounds of food were donated to Hope Food Pantry. The Mental Health Ministry Team sponsored a coffee house to raise funds for the SIMS Foundation that provides mental health and substance use recovery services and support for local musicians and music industry professionals. These events were made possible through your time, talents, and treasures with the support and guidance of a dedicated staff. Many of these events happen in our church building — a sacred space and community center. They are an outpouring of our inclusive and open values.
Each fall, your estimate of giving indicates our operational budget. Your pledge supports our multitude of ministries and mission led by our trusted and talented staff and supported by a creative and motivated laity. Thank you as always for your generosity.
What you may not know is that we are on the verge of being considered a large church based on our attendance and participation in classes and programs. To support this growth means we need to increase staffing, pay close attention to our facilities, and gather more resources to support this work. To date, we’ve heard from 136 households, pledging $740,810. To ensure we can achieve our 2025 goals, we’re striving to surpass $1,100,000. Could you help us meet this challenge? Could you grow your financial gift to the church in the coming year?
If you haven’t already indicated your 2025 estimate of giving, please prayerfully consider your giving and share it at Thank you to those who have submitted their estimate of giving.
It is because of you that we can support what Saint John’s provides. We give thanks to God for a church like Saint John’s and for people like you.
Stewardship 2025: Because of YOU Our Church Changes Lives
Inside our community and outside of these walls, your giving is an expression of how the love gathered here is transformed into changing the world out there. Your pledges will allow us to create an operating budget for 2025 that reflects the mission and values of Saint John's.
If you would like to submit your stewardship pledge, you may do so online by visiting We give thanks for the spirit of inward and outward generosity expressed so bountifully in our congregation. Thank you for the generosity you show as we live out our church's mission statement: We are creating a community where God's love changes people, and God's people change the world.
March 04, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 18, 2025