by Cina Crisara on December 19, 2023
An Invitation to Cultivate and to Let Go
March 04, 2025
Back in 2009, spurred by the experience of having attended a similar service in another city, the late Carol Middleton brought the idea of holding a sacred, mid-winter service here at Saint John's to her fellow Passionate Worship Committee members. The first Service of the Longest Night was held in the Chapel and drew a small crowd. In the intervening years, the service has grown, moving first to the Fellowship Hall and then to the Sanctuary to accommodate the growing number of attendees.
Taking its name and date from the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, this annual event is designed thoughtfully and lovingly by the worship committee and has continued to be a well-loved and much appreciated sacred event during the Advent season. This year, we will come together once again on Thursday, December 21, at 7 p.m. This service will be in person only (no livestream). To honor the enthusiasm and organization she always brought to this event, the Passionate Worship Committee lovingly dedicates this year's Service of the Longest Night to its founder, Carol Middleton.
hen planning this event each year, the Committee has been inspired to think about what people need and want at holiday time. Over the years we observed that people were coming to the Service of the Longest Night for all kinds of reasons. For some, it is the stillness of the candlelit room, the soothing music of the harp, gentle songs, and thoughtful readings to ponder. Others find a moment in a busy season to be grateful for the blessings they have. Still others seek out this service for a chance to lay down whatever burdens they may be carrying.
During the hour, carefully selected excerpts of scripture, special readings, and prayers are offered to those gathered together. A special candle lighting will help to focus our personal intentions for the evening. Beautiful music, including classical selections and arrangements of some Christmas music, will surround us throughout the evening. Featured guest musicians, harpist Lisa Lamb and violinist Joseph Shuffield, will offer a short prelude of music before the hour. Dylan Graves and I will lead the singing.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of this busy season, we encourage you to give yourself some quiet time at this service, time to think things through, sort things out, and even sit in gratitude for all the blessings that you have received. During this hour of worship, you can be anointed with oil; you can have a reassuring conversation with a pastor; you can sing, you can muse and mostly you can relax in our beautiful, quiet sanctuary.
March 04, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 18, 2025