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Seasonal Affective Disorder & Holiday Blues

Seasonal Affective Disorder & Holiday Blues

Seasonal Affective Disorder & Holiday Blues

Another year has come and gone and just like last year, 2021 is a year that most of us will want to forget.

December 16, 2021

Another year has come and gone and just like last year, 2021 is a year that most of us will want to forget. Mental illness rates continue to increase as the COVID-19 pandemic with all its variants show no signs of ending. Lives have been turned upside down - we fear catching or spreading the virus, and we cannot see our extended family and friends in the normal ways we are used to doing. When will it end, we ask.

During Advent we prepare for winter and the holidays. This time of year can be joyous for many, stressful and depressing for others. The fact that our holiday plans are not likely to be normal again this year because of COVID will likely exacerbate the situation. Whether due to the holidays or to the shorter days and less sunlight of winter, many people suffer from the holiday blues and/or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) during this time of year. The National Institute of Mental Health has provided a brief overview of SAD which covers symptoms, treatments, etc. and you can find that information by clicking here.

Tags: mental health, sad, seasonal affective disorder

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