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Do you know you are loved?

Do you know you are loved?

Do you know you are loved?

by Robyn Bishop on March 03, 2022

Do you know you are loved?

As we approach Lent you may be considering what to let go of or what to add to your life to deepen your relationship with Jesus. You may want to add seeing a therapist and get help letting go of unhealthy patterns that could be affecting your life negatively. Maybe you are seeking help for yourself or a loved one for an acute mental illness or an ongoing addiction, depression or anxiety.

Here is a link to the largest grassroots organization in the country that offers free support groups, resources and education with a regional office here in Austin:

The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Central Texas

If you are looking for a therapist, you may want to contact your insurance company to get the names of in-network providers. There are however, 2 links to help you learn more about a potential therapist and if that person would fit your needs:

Psychology Today


Mental Health Texas

You are not alone. Throughout the Bible there are stories of people with a deep faith in God who struggled with mental illness. We in the Saint John’s faith community want to walk alongside you in your journey to support you and encourage you. We also want to help you claim the hope that is spoken in Romans 8:39 “nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
You are loved!

Robyn Bishop
Representative of Saint John’s Mental Health Ministry Team

Tags: love, education, support groups, psychology, therapy, mental health, mental illness

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