Echoing God's Call: The Next 75 Years of Saint John's
Click here for updates to the Echoing God's Call capital campaign.

Echoing God's Call: The Next 75 Years of Saint John's
What is a capital campaign?
A capital campaign is a large-scale fundraising effort conducted to bring in a large influx of capital investment.
What is included in this project?
This project will include a new heating ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) system and new office and classroom spaces.
Why were these projects chosen?
The HVAC system is near the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced as soon as possible. In today’s construction climate, two years is the projected length of time it takes to obtain and install a new system.
What is the estimated cost of the project?
$1.85 million
When will the pledge period begin and for how long?
The pledge period will officially begin in June 2024 and will continue for a duration of three years.
If pledges can be made over a three-year period where will the funds come from to pay the upfront costs?
The Saint John’s capital campaign team is making arrangements for financing so we can proceed with the purchase and installation of the HVAC system and construction of the new offices and classrooms. We will secure a short-term loan. The nature of this loan will allow us to begin these projects as the pledges are fulfilled.
What is the project timeline?
Construction drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2024. Construction of the offices and classrooms is expected to begin in November 2024. The installation of the HVAC system is expected to begin in October 2025 and completed in March 2026.
How does this capital project fit in with our mission statement?
We say our mission statement every week in worship: “We are creating a community where God’s love changes people, and God’s people change the world.” To live this out, we envision a nurturing environment that fortifies us to make a difference in our community and beyond.